(NGO) - . There are big plans being made for you without your knowledge. Many times we are tricked into thinking one thing, but it is far from the truth. Please do you homework. See Agenda 21 for more information. There is a plan for your future and it is not what you want to pass on to your children and grandchildren. Be AWARE!
Do not donate money, do not become a member an do not contribute with
resources to any Coalition or NGO group for the United Nations (CRC)
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Their advice and lobbying DOES
NOT support parental rights.
The NGO Group for the CRC is a network of 80 national and international organisations. The member organisations are as follows:
1. Acti...on for Children and Youth Aotearoa
2. African Child Policy Forum
3. Alliance for Children (Mauritius)
4. Anti-Slavery International
5. APPROACH Ltd. – Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment of Children
6. Arigatou International
7. Associated Country Women of the World
8. Association for Rural Development and Action Research
9. Association of Networks for Community Empowerment
10. Baha'i International Community
11. Child Helpline International
12. Child Rights Information Network (CRIN)
13. Child Rights Network Switzerland
14. Child Soldiers International
15. Children’s Rights Alliance
16. Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE)
17. Child Fund International
18. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International 19. Consortium for Street Children
20. Defence for Children International
21. Defence for Children Internationla - DCI Costa Rica
22. DevCon - An Association for Rural Development
23. ECPAT International
24. Education International
25. Egyptian Foundation for Advancement of Childhood Conditions
26. EuroChild
27. European Association for Children in Hospital
28. Every Child
29. Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives
30. First Nations Child and Family Caring society of Canada Incorporated
31. Friends World Committee for Consultation (QUNO)
32. Fundación Privada Intervida
33. Human Rights Watch
34. Inter African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women (IAC-HTPS)
35. International Alliance of Women
36. International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates
37. International Baby Food Action Network
38. International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE)
39. International Council of Jewish Women 40. International Council of Women
41. International Falcon Movement Socialist Education International
42. International Federation of Social Workers
43. International Foster Care Organisation
44. International Inner Wheel
45. International Institute for Child Rights and Development
46. International Movement "ATD Fourth World"
47. International Play Association: Promoting the Child’s Right to Play
48. International School Psychology Association
49. International Social Service
50. La Voix de l’Enfant
51. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
52. National Aboriginal Islander Child Care
53. National Coalition for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Germany
54. Penal Reform International
55. Plan International
56. Plataforma de Organizaciones de Infancia
57. Proyecto Solidario
58. Red Latinoamericana de Acogimiento
59. Red Latinoamericana y Caribena por la Defensa de los Ninos, las Ninas y los Adolescentes
60. Resources Aimed at the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (RAPCAN)
61. ROC (The “Right of the Child” NGO) 62. Roshni Homes Trust
63. Save the Children International
64. SOS Children's Villages International
65. Tanzania Child Rights Forum
66. Terre des Hommes International Federation
67. Together Scotland
68. WAO Afrique 69. War Child Holland
70. Women's World Summit Foundation
71. World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
72. World Alliance of YMCAs
73. World Association 0f Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
74. World Jewish Congress
75. World Movement of Mothers / Le Mouvement Mondial des Mères
76. World Organisation Against Torture / SOS Torture (OMCT)
77. World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations 78. World Vision International
79. Young Men’s Christian Association of Costa Rica
For more information on how to protect your children please follow the cases now under investigation by LawLess America and will be presented to Congress on Feb 5th and Feb 6th 2013.
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