Monday, October 8, 2012

Judge Dale (Ret’d) – The Great American Adventure 2D: “The Reconstruction Act Usurped States Rights And Set The Stage For Theft Of America’s Wealth By Private Bankers” – Reconstruction – 25 September 2012

The Reconstruction Act of 1868 is misleading because it actually dealt with reconstructing the order of governmental power and redefining the military’s purpose and authority within The Virginia Company –  a fraud masquerading as The United States of America.

Yes, President Andrew Jackson vetoed this act.  However, presidential vetoes can be defeated by a two-thirds Congressional majority vote and Jackson’s veto was subsequently defeated.

Before this Act was passed we the citizens controlled the government. Subsequent to passage of this Act states and state officials became sub-federal and subordinate to the federal government.  Any and all who refused federal control could be treated as belligerents and subject to the Confiscation Act.

The Reconstruction Act vested such power and authority in the military as to supersede all power or authority of state, county and city governments. It made these formerly separate entities part of the federal government and all law enforcement personnel subordinate to the president and generals in charge of the federal government. It gave the federal government the right to tell you how to live your life.

Most employees of local, county or state governments do not realize they are, in fact, federal employees pursuant to the Reconstruction Act and the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. In point of fact it is the Reconstruction Act that authorizes an FBI agent to take an investigation away from a local police department.

All sovereign American citizens resident within the Republic of States were suddenly and falsely expatriated from their sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent. Their labor, souls, children, property, sweat equity and credit became the financial collateral for the public debt which was converted into a Public Trust scripted after the ancient Roman Trusts.  To enforce this expatriation of American citizenry USC Title 50 – the Trading with the Enemy Act  – was passed in 1917. This act brazenly defines American citizens as “an enemy of their government” and is empowered by Congress and the President via the annual renewal of Lincoln’s Declaration of War.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

The Federal Reserve Act was designed and written by a German national named Paul Warburg. Warburg entered the United States in 1903 through Ellis Island in New York.    He was a Sabbatean German Jewish banker and CFO of the Rothschild Banking empire.  Warburg’s assignment was to craft a piece of legislation designed to control the finances of the United States corporation from Europe.

The Federal Reserve Act is approximately 1,500 pages and places the currency and finance for the United States corporation under the Federal Reserve System.  The Federal Reserve is owned in its entirety by the Sabbatean/Rothschild Banking empire and not, as many still believe, by the people or the corporate government of the United States.  ”Script” money – negotiable debt instruments called Federal Reserve notes -  was now issued by the privately-owned Federal Reserve corporation. These Federal Reserve notes are, in fact, promissory notes.

The Great Depression of 1929 (like so many other catastrophes before and after this date) was actually a staged event concocted by the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, the Queen and British Parliament, the US President and Congress, the Vatican, and numerous elite families. It was engineered to steal America’s gold and silver reserves and replace them with script money.  The theft was ingenious. By allowing the public to fall on hard times the public began to demand the government fix the problem by any means necessary. The banksters were only too happy to oblige.

While everyone in this country struggled to survive President Roosevelt and the Congress were making interest-bearing loans to foreign governments using the very money they publicly swore did not exist.  Germany used that money to enlarge its war chest.  The functionally-illiterate American public was so self-involved in its own personal fate it never considered how it was possible that government officials never lost a dime during the Great Depression. How, in fact, they all continued to enjoy their family estates and personal wealth while the bulk of the citizenry suffered significant economic hardship.

House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 (partially repealed in 1982)

On March 9, 1933 the 73rd Congress  voted the Emergency Banking Act (House Joint Resolution No. 192-10) into law.  This Act declared the Treasury of the United States bankrupt despite the fact the U. S. Treasury had been secretly closed by Congress in 1921 (12 years earlier).  The Emergency Banking Act abrogated America’s gold standard and hypothecated all property within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank.  Now, to hypothecate is to  pledge personal property as security for a debt without transferring possession or title.

President Roosevelt didn’t stop there. He closed The Virginia Colony Corporation and opened a new government corporation called The United States, Inc.

The Trading With The Enemy Act was modified in 1933 by Roosevelt under the Emergency Banking Act so that Americans couldn’t easily see or locate it.  In this modified version Americans were declared the enemy of the government.

Following the 1933 bankruptcy, most American’s were not aware that HR 1491 or HR 4960 had been secretly passed, wherein the US Congress actually relinquished our right to have or accumulate gold and silver.  The Congress eventually repealed part of this legislation to accommodate jewelers but all Americans are still prohibited from having or accumulating solid gold and silver.  Hence, our coins are no longer solid gold or silver but are tin and nickel plated, carbon filled coins.  Pennies are tin and copper plated carbon filled coins.  These Acts also established the requirement of licensing and then with the enactment of ‘The Trading with the Enemy Act’ under War and National Defense, the Confiscation Act, the Reconstruction Act and the Lieber Code were all tied together to create the secret fascist government of the United States.


License ~ The word ‘license’ is defined in all modern law dictionaries as “A permit to do something unlawful.”  Now think about that and consider all the licenses you currently hold.  These licenses are civil contracts issued to you by the government giving you permission to do something that is held to be unlawful.
  • When two people apply for a marriage license you enter into a binding legal contract. By applying for a license to marry you voluntarily include the State as a third party to your marriage.  If you subsequently divorce the State is the first party that must be satisfied.
Travel ~ Your right to travel is an unalienable right defined by the Declaration of Independence and not a privilege. Yet the government demands that you apply for a driver’s license.  If you research online the phrase “Right to travel” you will uncover numerous old Court rulings that cite your right to travel without a license.  Of course since 1938 the modern lawless court system refuses to honor these original precedents of law citing instead a Supreme Court case titled  Erie Railroad v. Tompkins, 304 US 64 (1938).
  • Mr. Tompkins attempted to walk along a set of railroad tracks when he was struck by an appendage fastened to a mail train. He sued the railroad for damages claiming negligence on the part of the railroad.  What Tompkins didn’t know was that the railroads were in partnership with the corporate United States government. So, to protect the Government the Supreme Court ruled that “Absent a ticket or license, Tompkins was trespassing on railroad property and therefore he was barred from any relief.”
  • This single ruling wiped the slate clean by eliminating all court precedents prior to 1938 concerning our unalienable right to travel. It opened a floodgate for new state and federal government controls such as State vehicle codes and the requirement for licensing of everything and anything.
Volunteerism ~ When citizens voluntarily (or involuntarily) enter Military Courts of Justice they will frequently hear the prosecutor or defense lawyer argue that ‘Your comment or actions are a belligerent response’[or]‘You are being combative.’ Lawyers will even attempt to provoke you or your witness’ anger just so you or they behave belligerently toward them and provide them with the right to levy fines against you.

States Of Emergency ~ Regulation 840-10 of the Military Code, sections of the Administrative Procedures Act and the presence of the Military (gold-fringed) flag on display in the courtroom instantly create a state of emergency. What this means is the moment a police officer stopped you from the exercise of your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness the police officer became a belligerent.  He is armed and you’re not!

 He displays a military rank and you’re a civilian and he has now delivered you into a Military Court of Justice with the intent to ‘pillage and plunder’ within the Admiralty jurisdiction of that Military Court. The right to ‘pillage and plunder’ is also known as ‘The Law of Prize and Captured Property’ and is defined under Title 10, sections 7651 to 7681 of the Code of Military Justice, March 25, 1862.

Public Trust Funds ~ Section 2 of the Lieber Code instructs that ‘A victorious army seizes all money and movable property and holds it in trust.’ This is exactly what the corporate United States government and State governments did and continue to do because they now perceive themselves to be ‘a victorious army.’
But they ran into a problem. The corporate Congress, corporate Military government and courts of justice discovered they could not gain access to those Public Trusts created using birth registration forms, social security registration forms, licenses, personal property, deeds, promissory notes, equity and credit, and deposited into the Federal Reserve System without including individual persons into the bankruptcy of the United States Treasury of 1933.  So they cleverly denied personal sovereignty and converted persons into an appellation – a corporate fiction or strawman – and identified these by writing birth names in capital letters.  All licenses and documents reflect this appellation.   The all-caps name can be researched in every State Code under ‘corporations:’ [e.g.] see the Texas Administrative Code under ‘corporations’, Chapter 79.31, subtitled: entities; [also] the all-caps name is specified in the United States Government- Style Manual under the section titled [identifying corporations].

Public Trusts are not a new concept.  The concept and strategy was copied from the ancient Roman empire and its use of Roman trusts.  The ancient Roman trusts declared all citizens dead after Rome was burned (a staged event) and until Roman citizens served notice upon the Roman Senate that they were in fact alive and capable of managing their own estates theywere presumed dead. This then allowed the Roman Senate to become Trustee over every estate and to use them as they deemed appropriate.

Money Buys Freedom From The Corporate State ~ You can buy your freedom for a price of $600,000 dollars through the Department of State. This is the price charged to procure American diplomatic immunity pursuant to international law.  Of interest, in all other countries this same immunity can be purchased for $95,000, which is honored in most countries with the exception of The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Limitations Of Corporate Law ~ What most Americans don’t realize is no corporation can operate or fund itself. Corporations require human beings, human credit and sweat equity to finance and operate them.  Therefore, everything that the government claims to own actually belongs to “We the Public” and not the them.  Everything they have been doing is one gigantic fraud and all of it at our expense!
  • Registration programs were instituted so that the Federal Reserve banks and the Corporate Military courts of justice could securitize and monetize the public Trust accounts.  Each birth certificate and social security card was eventually converted into a Trust Account and became a government security [like company stocks and bonds] and is marketed as a Mutual Fund.  If you own a piece of a Mutual Fund you are actually hedging your money against human collateral.
  • Every Bond or International Security is assigned a “CUSIP” number and if you know how to use their formula or have a close friend who is a stock broker, you or he can convert the numbers and letters found on your social security card into its CUSIP number. Armed with your CUSIP number you can look up the Mutual Fund your life is being collectively marketed under.  Your birth certificate number is handled the same way.
  • The forced birth registration actually makes you the personal property of the State.  Birth registration gives the state government legal custody.  Children become state property and parents are permitted to keep and raise their children providing they behave and comply with corporate state laws and regulations.
  • The State obligates us to pay for our children. It generally refuses to pay for anything unless the parent dies or becomes destitute.  The birth certificate provides the police with the authority to break and enter any house under suspicion of abuse, an authority now buttressed and expanded by the Patriot Act.
The Fee Simple Deed ~ This gives the state your home and the right to tax you into poverty as a tenant. The Patriot Act goes further in that it eliminates the need for search warrants before entering your home.

Alloidal Deed ~ When deeds are Allodial no one can trespass on your property, not even the government.  No one could tax your property and no bank could foreclose on your property. No bank would ever loan you money against your property either. You were sovereign ruler of your land and home.  This, sad to say, is no longer the case. link to original article

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