The Truth behind Executive Orders and Martial Law
By Charles Erwin
On March 16, 2012 President Obama signed the National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order, which “could” open the door for implementation of peacetime Martial Law in the United States. Executive Orders are nothing new. Democratic and Republican Presidents have used Executive Orders to have their way with America for decades. However, the ugly truth associated with every Executive Order signed is Executive Orders are unconstitutional.
What makes all Executive Orders unconstitutional? We need only refer to the Constitution for an answer. Article I Section 1 of the Constitution reads as follows:
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
The Constitution is quite clear “All legislative Powers” are granted to a “Congress of the United States” consisting of a “Senate and House of Representatives”. The Founding Fathers of our Country made sure no one man could become a dictator while sitting in the office of President. This means Presidents have no “legislative Powers” to pass any of their dictatorial Executive Orders. The lack of constitutional “legislative Powers” to pass all Executive Orders means all Executive Orders are unconstitutional. It is really that simple in a Country where governmental leaders respect and uphold the Constitution—which it appears we no longer possess.
So, why do most “Senate and House of Representative” members allow Presidents to take on dictatorial powers using unconstitutional Executive Orders? It is because the majority of the people in the “Senate and House of Representatives” work for wealthy people of Special Interest instead of the American people. Most members of Congress know “All legislative Powers” are granted to a “Senate and House of Representatives”, yet they allow the President to sign these worthless pieces of paper with no protest. This is not just a Federal issue. State and Local representatives have the power to protect us from unconstitutional laws but they give us no protection. It is as if most representatives in all levels of government have abandoned the Constitution. Our Police and Military are also involved in this epidemic of ignoring the Constitution. After much Media brainwashing and no protection from Federal, State, or Local governments, our Police and Military ignorantly force us to follow the dictates of traitors violating the Constitution. We are literally enslaving ourselves because Police and Military are now trained to enforce unconstitutional laws taking our rights instead of keeping constitutional peace.
Now that we know the truth regarding unconstitutional Executive Orders, let us turn our attention to Martial Law. The following definition of Martial Law comes from Black’s Law Dictionary 5th edition:
Martial Law – “Exists when military authorities carry on government or exercise various degrees of control over civilians or civilian authorities in domestic territory.”
According to The Freedom Dictionary found on the Internet, Martial Law has been used once on the national level during the Civil War and once on the regional level during World War II. Then again, just because Martial Law has been used in the past it does not mean Martial Law is does it?
The authority for government use of Martial Law on the national level is suppose to come from Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 and Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 which read as follows:
“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;”
“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”
Well, we know Martial Law has been used on the national level, but based on the above Articles from the Constitution, the President or Congress have zero Martial Law power to use “military authorities” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” unless it is in “domestic territory” like Guam or the Virgin Islands.
The Constitution states the “President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States”. It also gives the President the authority “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. There is absolutely no authority at the national level allowing the President or Congress to declare Martial Law “constitutionally” by using “military authorities” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” in a union State protected by the Constitution.
This makes perfect sense! Why would the Founding Fathers create a Constitution and Country where Americans are free sovereign Citizens only to have some President suspend the laws of the nation using Martial Law to execute a military coup based on some emergency? The Constitution dictates that the President can call “forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”, but it does not say the President can use “military authorities” to suspend the “Laws of the Union” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” using Martial Law. As a matter of truth, the term Martial Law does NOT appear in the Constitution. In other words, government has no authority to declare Martial Law for an emergency, or any other reason, because all government authority in every union State must abide by the Constitution. After all, it is the Constitution which binds all union States...right?
There is a reason the Constitution allows the President to call “forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” instead of using “military authorities”. That is because the “Militia” was made up of our fellow “civilians or civilian authorities” whereas the “military” could encompass Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, or foreign allied troops from NATO with allegiance to the New World Order (NWO). We can be certain the “Militia” of “civilians or civilian authorities” would not disband the “Laws of the Union” when the emergency was over, but who knows what the “military”, made up of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, or foreign allied troops from NATO working for the NWO, might attempt under an unconstitutional Martial Law emergency.
On the regional level, Martial Law was declared by Governor Joseph B. Poindexter in the “domestic territory” of Hawaii on December 7, 1941 when Japanese warplanes bombed Pearl Harbor. It is important to emphasize at the time Martial Law was declared in Hawaii it was a “domestic territory” and not a State of the union. It is true Martial Law was later enacted in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and eventually throughout the entire Pacific Coast of the United States during World War II. What Americans need to realize is declaring Martial Law in a “domestic territory” is very different from declaring martial law in a union State. In 1941, the “domestic territory” of Hawaii was not a union State protected by the Constitution, but the union States like California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona should have been protected by the Federal Constitution and their State Constitutions against Martial Law.
Pearl Harbor was much like 9/11. It gave treasonous government officials the means to violate the Constitution and take away your rights based on an emergency. Declaring Martial Law in the “domestic territory” of Hawaii in 1941 did not violate the Constitution because the Constitution applies to States like California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona—not “domestic territory” like Hawaii, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. The very definition of Martial Law declares it can ONLY be enforced in “domestic territory”. Congress has total authority over “domestic territory” because “domestic territory” like Hawaii, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico are NOT protected by the Constitution. On the other hand, the union States should have been lawfully protected against Martial Law by the Constitution. The reality is Martial Law falls under the Hierarchy of Laws as a Law of Conquest. If all laws and rights are ever suspended in America, then “We the People” will no longer remain free. If Americans sit back and do nothing, our nation will one day be conquered from within and handed over to the New World Order under the pretext of an emergency requiring Martial Law.
As you can see, the truth about Martial Law is it is unconstitutional at the National/ Federal, State, and Local levels because government or “military” employees have no lawful authority to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” within any union State bound by the Constitution. So, what authority was used during World War II to allow Martial Law to be implemented in union States? The matter was taken to the judicial system of the Supreme Court where eight or nine attorneys interpreted the Constitution to benefit their fellow attorneys in government. The Supreme Court decided the term Martial Law had no precise meaning. This unconstitutional revelation allowed the judicial system and government to define Martial Law to their liking. The Founding Fathers did NOT create the Supreme Court with dictatorial powers to change the meaning of the Constitution or interpret the Constitution to include Martial Law powers. However, in this unconstitutional United States, we’ve been tricked into believing the Supreme Court is supreme when it is not supreme.
Based on the evidence, Executive Orders and Martial Law are BOTH unconstitutional. The Constitution forbids Presidential Executive Orders without “legislative Powers” and the very concept of government employees declaring Martial Law to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” in America is repugnant to the Constitution, yet somehow Martial Law was approved by a small group of attorneys in the Supreme Court. It is obvious the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutionally in this matter. It is also obvious we have allowed America to be RULED unconstitutionally for over 100 years, which is what got us into Obama’s National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order mess in the first place.
According to Alex Jones and Info Wars, Obama’s National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order gives government the “authority to seize all communication (from television stations to CB radios), confiscate all food resources (including farms and farm equipment), take control of all transportation (including your family car), and compel you at gunpoint “under federal supervision” to work as a slave”.
Allow me to point out a painful political truth. Attempting to control America and take away your rights is not just a Democratic concept deployed by President Obama and his Congress. Republican President George Bush (the father) and his Congress set the stage for Obama’s unconstitutional Martial Law Executive Order with their own unconstitutional Executive Order 12803. Bush’s “Infrastructure Privatization” Executive Order 12803 essentially sold everything in the United States to elements of the New World Order (NWO) controlling the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the minds of treasonous government, since Bush sold America to the IMF on April 30, 1992, Obama can “seize all resources at gunpoint” forcing you to “work as a slave” because you no longer own any “resources”. Of course the concepts of unconstitutional Executive Orders and declaring Martial Law in America is lawfully ridiculous, but it works when most Americans don’t know their rights.
Why are we living under all these unconstitutional laws? The broad answer is we have been betrayed by the majority of so called “governmental representatives” for more than 100 years. Allow me to explain how their “deceptions of perceptions” were implemented in America. In essence, Congress created an additional United States with different forms of laws and government.
The Founding Fathers created the Country United States as a “lawful” Republic under the Constitution for the United States of America. A Treasonous Congress created the Corporation UNITED STATES as a “legal” Democracy under the Constitution of the United States of America. Executive Orders and Martial Law are unconstitutional in the Country known as the United States under its “lawful” Republic, but anything goes in the Corporation known as UNITED STATES under its “legal” Democracy. The trick has always been convincing Americans they live in a “legal” Democracy where everyone’s rights can be violated instead of a “lawful” Republic where individual rights are protected.
I am aware of only one publication explaining how this betrayal took place while also deciphering every legal trick used to take away our freedoms. The name of the book is American Freedom A Conversation with America for “Change” in the UNITED STATES available on the Internet at American Freedom Books. The first two chapters of the book explain the difference between “legal” laws (unconstitutional) and “lawful” laws (constitutional) and can be downloaded free on the website.
It should be obvious to every American what the Democrats and Republicans working for the Corporation UNITED STATES have planned for the Country United States. I think the Founding Fathers would call their plan Treason! Some of our more prominent figures in government and the judicial system are members or associates of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and/or Tri-Lateral Commission. These three organizations control the world and are filled with members of the New World Order (NWO) with additional international members in the United Nations. At the college level, we have the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale, which currently grooms wealthy Elite children to lead us in government once they graduate. Let’s look at a list of our Presidents or candidates who are members or associates of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, and/or Skull and Bones Fraternity:
This long list of probable traitors to our United States Country is most likely a who’s who list of high-level government employees working for the New World Order’s UNITED STATES Corporation. They do not seek office to serve; they’re put before us as candidates to act as Special Interest agents of control. Allow me to expose the blueprint behind the recent “legal” (unconstitutional) strategy leading America down the path to permanent membership in the New World Order.
Based on the evidence, it appears Democrats and Republicans working for the UNITED STATES Corporation have been setting the United States Country up for a potential military coup for some time now. Obama’s latest National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order, creating some sort of peacetime Martial Law, is more of the same treason. The good news is Executive Orders and Martial Law is unconstitutional. The bad news is most Americans, the Military, and Police are not aware Executive Orders and Martial Law is unconstitutional.
On the subject of Habeas Corpus, we need not be too concerned when treasonous courts and governments suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Fixating our attention on Writs of Habeas Corpus is a very old legal trick. A Writ is simply “an order issued from a court”. The VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution guarantee Americans “public trial” in criminal prosecutions and “right of trial by jury” in civil cases where the value being fought over exceeds twenty dollars. The last time I checked, the VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution were a higher form of “lawful” law than a “legal” law Writ of Habeas Corpus issued from a potentially treasonous court. As long as the “lawful” Constitution for the United States of America exists, it will remain unconstitutional for American Citizens to be indefinitely detained without a trial using NDAA with or without Habeas Corpus. If a large amount of Americans become aware of their “lawful” rights we can stand up to the “legal” government. Writ of Habeas Corpus is mentioned as a “privilege” in the Constitution, whereas the VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution are “rights” guaranteed by the Constitution. Lawful constitutional “rights” detailed in our founding documents supersede legal “privileges” “issued from a court” working for a treasonous government.
This is how freedom could end in America—with legal tricks most Americans know nothing about. Treasonous elements of the New World Order own and control the UNITED STATES Corporation, and this entity is at war with the United States Country. In truth, Congress should never have allowed America to be involved in a world economy. America’s participation in a world economy does not benefit 300 million Americans when the jobs go overseas; it only benefits elite Special Interest Corporations in bed with the UNITED STATES Corporation. One world economy leads to one world government, which leads to the New World Order.
Whether America falls to traitors in the UNITED STATES Corporation is up to us. If you’re a member of the Police or Military, or if you know someone in the Police or Military, they need to know how this “legal” Democracy UNITED STATES Corporation versus “lawful” Republic United States Country game is being played. You can’t take a rope from around your neck if you have no idea the rope is around your neck. At the Federal level, we have the 544 members of Congress and the President outnumbered 300 million to 545. With education of the armed masses, including the Police and Military, this is a fight for freedom we should win.
On March 16, 2012 President Obama signed the National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order, which “could” open the door for implementation of peacetime Martial Law in the United States. Executive Orders are nothing new. Democratic and Republican Presidents have used Executive Orders to have their way with America for decades. However, the ugly truth associated with every Executive Order signed is Executive Orders are unconstitutional.
What makes all Executive Orders unconstitutional? We need only refer to the Constitution for an answer. Article I Section 1 of the Constitution reads as follows:
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
The Constitution is quite clear “All legislative Powers” are granted to a “Congress of the United States” consisting of a “Senate and House of Representatives”. The Founding Fathers of our Country made sure no one man could become a dictator while sitting in the office of President. This means Presidents have no “legislative Powers” to pass any of their dictatorial Executive Orders. The lack of constitutional “legislative Powers” to pass all Executive Orders means all Executive Orders are unconstitutional. It is really that simple in a Country where governmental leaders respect and uphold the Constitution—which it appears we no longer possess.
So, why do most “Senate and House of Representative” members allow Presidents to take on dictatorial powers using unconstitutional Executive Orders? It is because the majority of the people in the “Senate and House of Representatives” work for wealthy people of Special Interest instead of the American people. Most members of Congress know “All legislative Powers” are granted to a “Senate and House of Representatives”, yet they allow the President to sign these worthless pieces of paper with no protest. This is not just a Federal issue. State and Local representatives have the power to protect us from unconstitutional laws but they give us no protection. It is as if most representatives in all levels of government have abandoned the Constitution. Our Police and Military are also involved in this epidemic of ignoring the Constitution. After much Media brainwashing and no protection from Federal, State, or Local governments, our Police and Military ignorantly force us to follow the dictates of traitors violating the Constitution. We are literally enslaving ourselves because Police and Military are now trained to enforce unconstitutional laws taking our rights instead of keeping constitutional peace.
Now that we know the truth regarding unconstitutional Executive Orders, let us turn our attention to Martial Law. The following definition of Martial Law comes from Black’s Law Dictionary 5th edition:
Martial Law – “Exists when military authorities carry on government or exercise various degrees of control over civilians or civilian authorities in domestic territory.”
According to The Freedom Dictionary found on the Internet, Martial Law has been used once on the national level during the Civil War and once on the regional level during World War II. Then again, just because Martial Law has been used in the past it does not mean Martial Law is does it?
The authority for government use of Martial Law on the national level is suppose to come from Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 and Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 which read as follows:
“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;”
“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”
Well, we know Martial Law has been used on the national level, but based on the above Articles from the Constitution, the President or Congress have zero Martial Law power to use “military authorities” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” unless it is in “domestic territory” like Guam or the Virgin Islands.
The Constitution states the “President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States”. It also gives the President the authority “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. There is absolutely no authority at the national level allowing the President or Congress to declare Martial Law “constitutionally” by using “military authorities” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” in a union State protected by the Constitution.
This makes perfect sense! Why would the Founding Fathers create a Constitution and Country where Americans are free sovereign Citizens only to have some President suspend the laws of the nation using Martial Law to execute a military coup based on some emergency? The Constitution dictates that the President can call “forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”, but it does not say the President can use “military authorities” to suspend the “Laws of the Union” to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” using Martial Law. As a matter of truth, the term Martial Law does NOT appear in the Constitution. In other words, government has no authority to declare Martial Law for an emergency, or any other reason, because all government authority in every union State must abide by the Constitution. After all, it is the Constitution which binds all union States...right?
There is a reason the Constitution allows the President to call “forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” instead of using “military authorities”. That is because the “Militia” was made up of our fellow “civilians or civilian authorities” whereas the “military” could encompass Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, or foreign allied troops from NATO with allegiance to the New World Order (NWO). We can be certain the “Militia” of “civilians or civilian authorities” would not disband the “Laws of the Union” when the emergency was over, but who knows what the “military”, made up of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, or foreign allied troops from NATO working for the NWO, might attempt under an unconstitutional Martial Law emergency.
On the regional level, Martial Law was declared by Governor Joseph B. Poindexter in the “domestic territory” of Hawaii on December 7, 1941 when Japanese warplanes bombed Pearl Harbor. It is important to emphasize at the time Martial Law was declared in Hawaii it was a “domestic territory” and not a State of the union. It is true Martial Law was later enacted in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and eventually throughout the entire Pacific Coast of the United States during World War II. What Americans need to realize is declaring Martial Law in a “domestic territory” is very different from declaring martial law in a union State. In 1941, the “domestic territory” of Hawaii was not a union State protected by the Constitution, but the union States like California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona should have been protected by the Federal Constitution and their State Constitutions against Martial Law.
Pearl Harbor was much like 9/11. It gave treasonous government officials the means to violate the Constitution and take away your rights based on an emergency. Declaring Martial Law in the “domestic territory” of Hawaii in 1941 did not violate the Constitution because the Constitution applies to States like California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona—not “domestic territory” like Hawaii, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. The very definition of Martial Law declares it can ONLY be enforced in “domestic territory”. Congress has total authority over “domestic territory” because “domestic territory” like Hawaii, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico are NOT protected by the Constitution. On the other hand, the union States should have been lawfully protected against Martial Law by the Constitution. The reality is Martial Law falls under the Hierarchy of Laws as a Law of Conquest. If all laws and rights are ever suspended in America, then “We the People” will no longer remain free. If Americans sit back and do nothing, our nation will one day be conquered from within and handed over to the New World Order under the pretext of an emergency requiring Martial Law.
As you can see, the truth about Martial Law is it is unconstitutional at the National/ Federal, State, and Local levels because government or “military” employees have no lawful authority to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” within any union State bound by the Constitution. So, what authority was used during World War II to allow Martial Law to be implemented in union States? The matter was taken to the judicial system of the Supreme Court where eight or nine attorneys interpreted the Constitution to benefit their fellow attorneys in government. The Supreme Court decided the term Martial Law had no precise meaning. This unconstitutional revelation allowed the judicial system and government to define Martial Law to their liking. The Founding Fathers did NOT create the Supreme Court with dictatorial powers to change the meaning of the Constitution or interpret the Constitution to include Martial Law powers. However, in this unconstitutional United States, we’ve been tricked into believing the Supreme Court is supreme when it is not supreme.
Based on the evidence, Executive Orders and Martial Law are BOTH unconstitutional. The Constitution forbids Presidential Executive Orders without “legislative Powers” and the very concept of government employees declaring Martial Law to gain “control over civilians or civilian authorities” in America is repugnant to the Constitution, yet somehow Martial Law was approved by a small group of attorneys in the Supreme Court. It is obvious the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutionally in this matter. It is also obvious we have allowed America to be RULED unconstitutionally for over 100 years, which is what got us into Obama’s National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order mess in the first place.
According to Alex Jones and Info Wars, Obama’s National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order gives government the “authority to seize all communication (from television stations to CB radios), confiscate all food resources (including farms and farm equipment), take control of all transportation (including your family car), and compel you at gunpoint “under federal supervision” to work as a slave”.
Allow me to point out a painful political truth. Attempting to control America and take away your rights is not just a Democratic concept deployed by President Obama and his Congress. Republican President George Bush (the father) and his Congress set the stage for Obama’s unconstitutional Martial Law Executive Order with their own unconstitutional Executive Order 12803. Bush’s “Infrastructure Privatization” Executive Order 12803 essentially sold everything in the United States to elements of the New World Order (NWO) controlling the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the minds of treasonous government, since Bush sold America to the IMF on April 30, 1992, Obama can “seize all resources at gunpoint” forcing you to “work as a slave” because you no longer own any “resources”. Of course the concepts of unconstitutional Executive Orders and declaring Martial Law in America is lawfully ridiculous, but it works when most Americans don’t know their rights.
Why are we living under all these unconstitutional laws? The broad answer is we have been betrayed by the majority of so called “governmental representatives” for more than 100 years. Allow me to explain how their “deceptions of perceptions” were implemented in America. In essence, Congress created an additional United States with different forms of laws and government.
The Founding Fathers created the Country United States as a “lawful” Republic under the Constitution for the United States of America. A Treasonous Congress created the Corporation UNITED STATES as a “legal” Democracy under the Constitution of the United States of America. Executive Orders and Martial Law are unconstitutional in the Country known as the United States under its “lawful” Republic, but anything goes in the Corporation known as UNITED STATES under its “legal” Democracy. The trick has always been convincing Americans they live in a “legal” Democracy where everyone’s rights can be violated instead of a “lawful” Republic where individual rights are protected.
I am aware of only one publication explaining how this betrayal took place while also deciphering every legal trick used to take away our freedoms. The name of the book is American Freedom A Conversation with America for “Change” in the UNITED STATES available on the Internet at American Freedom Books. The first two chapters of the book explain the difference between “legal” laws (unconstitutional) and “lawful” laws (constitutional) and can be downloaded free on the website.
It should be obvious to every American what the Democrats and Republicans working for the Corporation UNITED STATES have planned for the Country United States. I think the Founding Fathers would call their plan Treason! Some of our more prominent figures in government and the judicial system are members or associates of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and/or Tri-Lateral Commission. These three organizations control the world and are filled with members of the New World Order (NWO) with additional international members in the United Nations. At the college level, we have the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale, which currently grooms wealthy Elite children to lead us in government once they graduate. Let’s look at a list of our Presidents or candidates who are members or associates of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, and/or Skull and Bones Fraternity:
- President Jimmy Carter Democrat – Council on Foreign Relations and charter member of Tri-Lateral Commission.
- President George Bush (the father) Republican – Council on Foreign Relations and charter member of Tri-Lateral Commission.
- President Bill Clinton Democrat – Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group.
- President Gerald Ford Republican – Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg Group.
- President Richard Nixon Republican – Council on Foreign Relations.
- President Dwight Eisenhower Republican – Council on Foreign Relations.
- President Herbert Hoover Republican – Council on Foreign Relations.
- President George Bush (the son) Republican – Skull and Bones.
- Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Democrat – Bilderberg Group.
- Presidential candidate John McCain Republican – Council on Foreign Relations.
- Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich Republican – Council on Foreign Relations.
- President Barack Obama Democrat – not an official member of either organization but attended 2008 Bilderberg Group meeting with Hillary Clinton when running for President.
This long list of probable traitors to our United States Country is most likely a who’s who list of high-level government employees working for the New World Order’s UNITED STATES Corporation. They do not seek office to serve; they’re put before us as candidates to act as Special Interest agents of control. Allow me to expose the blueprint behind the recent “legal” (unconstitutional) strategy leading America down the path to permanent membership in the New World Order.
- Republican President Bush (the Father) signs Executive Order 12803 selling America to foreign investors. Many might recall Bush made many speeches while President calling for the creation of a New World Order. His Executive Order 12803 gave him the “legal” (unconstitutional) leverage needed to sell the assets of the United States Country to elements in the New World Order while acting as agent of the UNITED STATES Corporation. The UNITED STATES Corporation is a partner of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), so selling America to the IMF was a lucrative global investment for the UNITED STATES Corporation.
- Democratic President Clinton signs Executive Order 13037 on “Capital Budgeting”, which defined Americans as “Human Capital” property of their UNITED STATES Corporation. Becoming “Human Capital” means all Americans are corporate “legal” assets with no “lawful” rights in their UNITED STATES Corporation.
- Republican George Bush (the son) spends eight years in office violating the Constitution, starting two wars, and shredding our rights based on keeping us safe from terror he and Dick Cheney likely orchestrated on 9/11. Creation of Patriot Act and Homeland Security had nothing to do with protecting us from terrorist. These organizations, along with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and IRS are actually designed to create an army to protect the UNITED STATES Corporation from us.
- Democratic President Obama is elected with the hope of “change” and fails to change anything. Obama continues Bush’s two wars, and later Obama and a treasonous Congress pass the unconstitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) suspending Habeas Corpus and giving the Military the “legal” (unconstitutional) right to arrest and detain Americans indefinitely without a trail.
- Democratic President Obama goes on to sign the recent peacetime Martial Law National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order, with no lawful constitutional “legislative Power” to do so, while most members of Congress watch.
Based on the evidence, it appears Democrats and Republicans working for the UNITED STATES Corporation have been setting the United States Country up for a potential military coup for some time now. Obama’s latest National Defense Resource Preparedness Executive Order, creating some sort of peacetime Martial Law, is more of the same treason. The good news is Executive Orders and Martial Law is unconstitutional. The bad news is most Americans, the Military, and Police are not aware Executive Orders and Martial Law is unconstitutional.
On the subject of Habeas Corpus, we need not be too concerned when treasonous courts and governments suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Fixating our attention on Writs of Habeas Corpus is a very old legal trick. A Writ is simply “an order issued from a court”. The VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution guarantee Americans “public trial” in criminal prosecutions and “right of trial by jury” in civil cases where the value being fought over exceeds twenty dollars. The last time I checked, the VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution were a higher form of “lawful” law than a “legal” law Writ of Habeas Corpus issued from a potentially treasonous court. As long as the “lawful” Constitution for the United States of America exists, it will remain unconstitutional for American Citizens to be indefinitely detained without a trial using NDAA with or without Habeas Corpus. If a large amount of Americans become aware of their “lawful” rights we can stand up to the “legal” government. Writ of Habeas Corpus is mentioned as a “privilege” in the Constitution, whereas the VI and VII Amendments to the Constitution are “rights” guaranteed by the Constitution. Lawful constitutional “rights” detailed in our founding documents supersede legal “privileges” “issued from a court” working for a treasonous government.
This is how freedom could end in America—with legal tricks most Americans know nothing about. Treasonous elements of the New World Order own and control the UNITED STATES Corporation, and this entity is at war with the United States Country. In truth, Congress should never have allowed America to be involved in a world economy. America’s participation in a world economy does not benefit 300 million Americans when the jobs go overseas; it only benefits elite Special Interest Corporations in bed with the UNITED STATES Corporation. One world economy leads to one world government, which leads to the New World Order.
Whether America falls to traitors in the UNITED STATES Corporation is up to us. If you’re a member of the Police or Military, or if you know someone in the Police or Military, they need to know how this “legal” Democracy UNITED STATES Corporation versus “lawful” Republic United States Country game is being played. You can’t take a rope from around your neck if you have no idea the rope is around your neck. At the Federal level, we have the 544 members of Congress and the President outnumbered 300 million to 545. With education of the armed masses, including the Police and Military, this is a fight for freedom we should win.
Source: Charles Erwin
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